David Doelman

David Doelman is a third year PhD candidate supervised by Frans Snik and Christoph Keller. 

His research focusses on developing new applications of liquid-crystal phase plates for high-contrast imaging. Liquid-crystal technology allows for manufacturing of extreme geometric phase patterned coronagraphs that are inherently broadband, e.g. the vector Apodizing Phase Plate (vAPP). David designed and commissioned vAPPs for many visible and near-infrared high-contrast imaging systems at 8m-class telescopes, including SCExAO@Subaru, LMIRCAM@LBT, ERIS@VLT and MagAO-X@Magellan. In addition, David develops novel implementations of liquid-crystal technology for wavefront sensing, masking interferometry and coronagraphy, i.e. the vector-Zernike wavefront sensor (vZWFS), holographic aperture masking (HAM) and multi-grating vector-vortex coronagraphs (MGVVCs) respectively.

David is also interested in optics and photonics, planet formation, exoplanet atmospheres and 3D printing.

Papers and Conference proceedings

Doelman, David S., Fagginger Auer, Fedde, Escuti, Michael J., & Snik, Frans 2018, arXiv e-prints Simultaneous phase and amplitude aberration sensing with a liquid-crystal vector-Zernike phase mask

Doelman, D. S., Tuthill, P., Norris, B., Wilby, M. J., Por, E. H., Keller, C. U., Escuti, M. J., & Snik, F. 2018, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VI Multiplexed holographic aperture masking with liquid-crystal geometric phase masks

Haffert, S. Y., Por, E. H., Keller, C. U., Kenworthy, M. A., Doelman, D. S., Snik, F., & Escuti, M. J. 2018, arXiv e-prints The Single-mode Complex Amplitude Refinement (SCAR) coronagraph: II. Lab verification, and toward the characterization of Proxima b

Doelman, David S., Snik, Frans, Warriner, Nathaniel Z., & Escuti, Michael J. 2017, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE) Conference Series Patterned liquid-crystal optics for broadband coronagraphy and wavefront sensing