Steven Bos

Steven Bos
Steven Bos
PhD candidate



Researchgate: Steven_Bos

Office number: HL 1105

Research interests

Steven Bos is a PhD student working under the supervision of Frans Snik. He focusses on integrating the vector Apodizing Phase Plate (vAPP) in the complete optical system. This includes focal-plane wavefront sensing, and other additional contrast enhancing techniques as polarimetry and spectroscopy. This will enable unambiguous characterization of exoplanet atmospheres and surfaces.

Steven is also interested in planet, star and disk formation, optics, photonics, metasurfaces and the rigorous modelling of optical systems.

Papers and Conference proceedings

Tobin, John J., Bos, Steven P., Dunham, Michael M., Bourke, Tyler L., & van der Marel, Nienke 2018, The Astrophysical Journal The Envelope Kinematics and a Possible Disk around the Class 0 Protostar within BHR7

Bos, Steven P., Haffert, Sebastiaan Y., & Keller, Christoph U. 2017, Polarization Science and Remote Sensing VIII Rigorous vector wave propagation for arbitrary flat media

Cieza, Lucas A., Casassus, Simon, Tobin, John, Bos, Steven P., Williams, Jonathan P., Perez, Sebastian, Zhu, Zhaohuan, Caceres, Claudio, Canovas, Hector, Dunham, Michael M., Hales, Antonio, Prieto, Jose L., Principe, David A., Schreiber, Matthias R., Ruiz-Rodriguez, Dary, & Zurlo, Alice 2016, Nature Imaging the water snow-line during a protostellar outburst